
Monific brand financial dashboard interface with analytics graphs displayed on various devices.Company Overview

Hi there! 👋 Let me tell you about Monific. they're a cool real estate crowdfunding platform. You know what's awesome? You can own part of a hotel with just $1,000 MXN! And guess what? You get money every month from the hotel you invest in. Pretty cool, right?

Problem Assumptions

We thought about some things that might be tough for our users. Like, understanding all this Fintech stuff mixed with real estate can be tricky. We want to make sure everyone gets it and finds it easy to use our site.

Pain Points

  1. Confusing Info: Sometimes, all the numbers and real estate terms can make your head spin! 🤯
  2. Hard to Navigate: Finding what you need on a website shouldn't be like a treasure hunt.
  3. Slow Updates: Waiting forever to see your investment grow? No fun!
  4. Security Worries: You gotta feel safe with your money, right?

The Solution

  1. Simpler Terms: We made everything easy to understand. Even a kid could get it!
  2. Easy Navigation: Our site's like a smooth ride in the park. 🚲
  3. Quick Info: See your money grow fast!
  4. Top-Notch Security: Sleep tight knowing your investment is safe.

Service Provided

  • Type of Design: We made a super cool dashboard. It's like your control center for investments!
  • Tools Used: We used Figma for all the neat designs. It's like a magic wand for making cool stuff!
  • Frameworks Used: We planned everything in Miro. It's like a map for our ideas!
  • Design System


So, we made this awesome dashboard for Monific where everything is easy, safe, and fun! You can check your money, invest more, and do all sorts of cool things without getting lost or bored. We're super excited about it and think you'll love it too! 🌟🚀


Alright! Just a quick note to wrap this up: This mini case study doesn't show every detail or screen, and things might look a bit different in real life. It's just a quick snapshot to give you an idea. If you've got questions, just ask HiroWa! 😊👍

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